Showing posts with label Fez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fez. Show all posts

Sunday, 7 August 2022

Shell Covered Hat

 A shell-covered pill box-shaped hat.

The hat is heading towards Fez shape but doesn't quite make it.

The main decoration of this hat is the sea shells, some form of sea snail shells I think.

Applied in geometric patterns they give this hat a unique look.

Also come complete with a tassel.

I believe it's a one-off, but could be wrong.

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Shiny Fez

This shiny hat I want to call a fez, but its some fantasy concoction

Possibly was originally made for something theatrical I suspect or maybe a particular Larp encounter it will remain a mystery as it was purchased from a 2nd hand stall at a Larp Fayre, with no labels or any clues

Cost me a £1 and I will find a use for it.

Constructed from lots of soft fabrics, glue and a bit of stitching, it has no real rigidity like a real fez.

Saturday, 27 June 2020

Fez like

This tapering hat is very fez like in shape, but lacks the tassel on top and is actually too tall,

however I suppose you might still call a fez.

A hat for use in War of the Roses medieval reenactment the shape can be seen in many contemporary illustrations.

I can't remember where I got this, as it was over 15 years ago but would have been a reenactors market no doubt.

Worn a couple of times, but never found a costume that it went with so ended up not being used much.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Fabric Fez

I have posted photos of quite a few fez's on this blog, most where stiffened felt, this one is stitched fabric/cloth and needs a head to create its shape.

Purchased as part of a job lot of about 10 hats advertised as theatrical hats.

It's not the real thing but does a good enough impression of Fez to use in a play or for lrp. 

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Greeky Fez

This hat reminds me of one worn by Greek soldier in full dress uniform, look up Evzones and you will see what I mean.

The hat is halfway between a fez and a smoking cap, with a very long tassel.

This is a theatrical hat, one made for use in a theatre production I don't know what production, only it was sold as such on e-bay.

Made of soft red felt, I would put it the head of small Greek curiosity shop owner.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Pannonian Pileus

I was informed when I purchase this hat that it was Pannonian Pileus, not sure how true this is, however looking for info to check this out Pannonian hats do appear to be this shape, although the ones I've seen seem to be made of fur or skin rather than felt, so is at the very least not far from the truth.

The traditional  Pileus Hat is a brimless cone (not like this hat) of felt worn by Greek Roman sailors from around 375 B.C. to the 4th century A.D. 

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Fezzes Arn't Just for Comedy

The Fez is either truncated cone or short cylinder sometimes with a tassel on top and made of red felt.

One of the worlds top ten hats, worn by Tommy Cooper, Dr Who, Madness, Laurel and Hardy, wind up or evil monkeys and people from Cyprus.

Heavily associated with people from north Africa and other countries around the Mediterranean like Morocco, Turkey and Greece. 

They were worn back at least as far as the 15th Century and even adapted as part of the German army uniform. Some military fez's even had different coloured detachable tassels to signify rank or unit.

I've have had this fez so long I can't remember were I got it.

A hat for casual use and fez-tive occasions.