Thursday 4 May 2017

Village Yokel

A simple felt hat, misused and abused makes a idea hat for anyone that is not wanting a fashion statement.

Ideal for playing characters such as farmers, peasants or the village yokel.

If you want to look a little (very little) smarter turn the brim up

Thursday 27 April 2017

Novelty Witches

Novelty Witches Hat probably for a Halloween costume

Made of velvet its works in a way, but does not mirror any reality.

The original owner of the hat donated it after wearing once for lrp event where she played the part of witch, see photos below.

The witches hat itself while not historical true does have its roots in history of the period witches were burnt in England. 

One theory I read is the pointed hat represents a church steeple so witches where made to wear them in last ditch effort to redeem them in the eyes of god. 
Another the hats shape is to do with mummified witches from China which were found wearing felt cones on their head.
More likely its a follow on from the wizard hat which was to do with demonising of the Jews in the medieval period.

One thing is sure most of the look is pure Hollywood from films like the Wizard of Oz. 

Sunday 23 April 2017

Trapper Cap

This waxed cotton trapper hat is perfect for when I go hunting for lost socks

Fur lined it helps protect me from the dusty locations hidden socks lurk waiting to jump out at you.

Being black is also excellent camouflage for the dark corners of the sock draw.

You can also wear it with ear flaps down so you cannot be distracted by other noisy clothing.

You can even wear this cap outdoors in the cold and rain.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Tall Top Hat

This tall top hat gives you extra presence.

This is near enough for me a stove pipe style top hat, perhaps to be a perfect stove pipe it needs the side of cylindrical crown more parallel and the brim flatter, but height wise its got the credentials.

Just look at images of Isambard Kingdom Brunel or Abraham Lincoln to see the difference.

Stove Pipe a sub category of top hat, also know as chimney pot hat, a very Victorian hat. 

 Like all good Victorians I need to check my steampunk containment device is still containing the fresh air that was put in it and the clock is set half past 1833.