Showing posts with label Hood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hood. Show all posts

Monday 4 December 2017

Hooded Tunic

This is a hooded tunic made specifically for lrp use. 

Not based on anything historical, it is made of a wool mix with horn toggle closures.

This item was purchased from Chows Emporium, where its described as a heathered woollen tunic hooded.

I've found this useful in all weathers, made of wool but lightweight enough for summer and can easily be worn over other items for colder weather use.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Chow's Hood

This hood and total costume ensemble comes from Chows Emporium one of my favourite traders

In the photo above I'm wearing the costume to play a alien warrior in sci-fi larp system.

The Hood is large and interestingly decorated made of artificial leather and fur, the style is pure fantasy.

Tuesday 27 September 2016


The hood is black and menacing and should scare anyone into thinking about not committing a crime.

The face is hidden so if you didn't like me chopping the head off your family member you won't know who I am to get your revenge later.

I'm a professional its my job, I'm the Headsman and when I'm not chopping off heads I will turn my hand to torture or other non lethal but painful punishments.

Its the law, you broke it, your punishment was judged by others, it is my job to execute the sentence.

I also love flower arranging and puppies.

It should be said that the executioners hood is a Hollywood creation, executioners hoods in British history at least are a myth, in fact executioners were celebrities in medieval times. 

In the 19th Century executioners did wear eye mask as executions ceased to be spectacles and came to be considered as regrettable but necessary tragedies.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Sometimes Wearing a Sack is Good

Yes its me 

These hoods where made by Julie for creatures called scarecrows in larp event 

Later re-used one for the role a hangman

Sunday 1 November 2015

Woollen Hood

 A Woollen Hood with a cotton lining

This hood has character its been patched in several places, including where it caught fire while I was wearing it from a pyrotechnic I got too close to, luckily for me wool does not burn as quickly as some modern fibres.

Photo below a minor warrior from a lrp event.

This hood is old, I first wore it during 1980's when I started doing re-enactment in it various forms.

I'm wearing it on the front row of the photo below from around 1990 I'm the one in blue and yellow with a pole axe. This was during a period when I did theatrical re-enactment at Warwick Castle and various other places.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Hooded Man

The hood is a soft covering of the head that covers all sides, even the face sometimes and goes around the neck.

They commonly form part the garments often attached to a cloak or coat, they are designed to keep your head warm and dry, they can be easily pulled back and not lost like a hat might.

 In the Picture above we have the 4 Dwarves Wappy, Cappy, Dappy and Zappy.

 Commonly made of wool, this Hood however is made some lightweight hemp like fabric, so not that warm and certainly not water resistant, its therefore more of theatre piece than a practical hood

This is a typical medieval style hood, independent of any garment, it as one button at the front which keeps it tighter around the neck and wide base (Mantle) covering the shoulders.

 Hoods covering the sides of the face don't make it easy to see the axe coming towards your head but the do hide the face, so ideal criminal headgear.